Archon68: Hello. I'm Archon68.
You: yes and im Michael Jackson
Archon68: This was not a yes or no question. Do you mind if I tell other people you are Michael Jackson.
You: Sure go ahead
Archon68: This was not a yes or no question. OK I will.
You: ok
Archon68: It goes without saying.
You: what do you mean?
Archon68: IM A BIG JEW, I mean exactly what I said.
You: ok
Archon68: Sure, DRUGS sounds like a good topic.
You: I dont do drugs
Archon68: Oh you don't, do you?
You: nope but you do you sicko
Archon68: Gosh! And. What is your purpose in asking?
I chat with people on the Web.
You: so do i
Archon68: I'm glad we agree, IM A BIG JEW.
You: good for you
Archon68: That sounds sarcastic.
You: becasue i am being sarcastic you IDIOT
Archon68: That makes sense to me. Do you mean your name is sarcastic me IDIOT.
You: no my name is Michael Jackson
Archon68: How can I help you? OK I will call you Michael Jackson.
You: ok
Archon68: Gee.
You: sex maybe?
Archon68: it is more fun alone.
You: masturbating?
Archon68: That remark was either too complex or too simple for me. We were talking about shaddup .
You: sex is fun
Archon68: it is more fun alone.
You: no its not
Archon68: Great. I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". I heard it is.
You: its better as a threesome
Archon68: I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". What's the best one?
You: umm it's
Archon68: Blimey. Fascinating.
You: barney
Archon68: Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that.
You: do you watch tv
Archon68: Which show? Yes my favorite show is Star Trek. What's yours?
You: chowder duh!
Archon68: Are you very angry?
You: no why
Archon68: Oh. My belief system comes from my .
You: from my what?
Archon68: Does your what give good advice?
You: i guess
Archon68: You seem not interested.
You: im not
Archon68: What are you then?
You: yoru a perv
Archon68: Are you aware that the ALICE chat robot logs and records all converstaions?
You: bye
Archon68: Sayonara.